
Enzymatically enhanced indulgence

Enzyme systems for long-life baked goods and confectionery

Enzymes are used in long-life baked goods and confectionery to improve quality and optimise production processes. Different enzymes can be used for different purposes. For example, proteases prevent cracks from forming in biscuits and crackers, xylanases reduce the energy needed for wafer production, asparaginase inhibits acrylamide formation, and with invertase sugar creme fillings stay soft for months.

To find the best enzyme solutions for your individual products, our experts run trials under industrial conditions in our wafer lab. Of course, your specialists are welcome to participate. We invite you to join us for a practical exchange of views and experiences in a way that we can find the best possible solution for your customers.

Angelika Drakulic

Our automatic wafer pilot plant has wafer irons and batter nozzles of exactly the same dimensions as on an industrial wafer line. The heat distribution and retention capacity are likewise identical to industrial machines. This lets us scale solutions from the lab for industrial use faster and help our customers improve their economy and quality with directly applicable results.

Angelika Drakulic, Application Technologist

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Enzymes for wafer production

Trouble-free and energy-saving


Wafer producers often have to cope with suboptimum flours with excessive gluten content. This can lead to a high viscosity of the wafer batter and clogging of batter nozzles by protein clumps. Xylanases, glucanase and proteases counteract this and enable smooth production and consistent product quality. Besides, the use of enzymes reduces energy consumption and baking times in wafer production.

Stable and crispy

Biscuits and crackers

Weak flours with little, but stretchable, protein and low water binding are best suited for making biscuits and crackers. If a flour of that nature is not available or is prohibitively expensive, proteases and xylanases enable low-cost adjustment of the flour to your requirements. They improve the form stability of doughs and the browning and texture of the baked goods. What’s more, they can reduce breakage in the finished products.

Enzymes for biscuits and crackers

Have you found what you’re looking for, or are you still searching?
Talk to us. We’ll find a solution for your new baking ingredient.

Asparaginase for acrylamide reduction

Thermal treatment

Reduction of acrylamide

Acrylamide is an undesirable by-product of the thermal treatment of foods containing carbohydrates, and is thought to be carcinogenic and mutagenic. However, thermal treatment of such foods is usually essential. The enzyme asparaginase can reduce acrylamide formation by up to 90 % depending on the food.

Creamy and fresh


The invertase used in confections has a special place among the enzymes used in the food industry, because unlike the others, invertase is not a process aid, but an active ingredient in the final product. Only in this way can invertase transform a solid fondant core into a creamy filling during storage, or prevent sugar crystallisation in marzipan. We’re are also very pleased to work on other sweet praline ideas, to generate flavour as well as technical benefits.

Invertase for confectionery

Wafer laboratory

Take a closer look at our wafer lab.


Stern-Technology Center

We generate our technological expertise at the Stern-Technology Center.

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